Monday, August 11, 2014

Video Games

I've been playing a lot of video games lately. I know I probably shouldn't because the big move is next week, but the instant "high" I get while playing them is too hard to resist.

The two big games I've been playing lately are:
Harvest Moon: A New Beginning
Animal Crossing: New Leaf

I also started playing Don't Starve again last night. God that game is so good but so so frustrating!

In the last play through last night I was doing so great as Wickerbottom.
I had my base set up, I was near beefalo, I had a thermal stone and I had enough food to last me the winter. Then Hounds came and I couldn't make it to the Beefalo in time. Ugh. I lasted 26 days.

Today I will try and reach day 30. That is my goal.  

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