Wednesday, July 30, 2014

My Attempts at Writing Haiku

Here are my attempts
At writing some fun Haiku.
Hope you enjoy them

Think of all the things
That were never said out loud.
How disappointing.

Work is something done
Almost every single day.
Slave away, make cash.

Fantasy is life
Only lived in thoughts and dreams
Don't you forget it

God work sucks today
I wish I was at Warped Tour
To see Jordan play

Agave nectar
Is nature's great sweetener
Try it in your tea

Cows only produce
Milk for their calves not for you
Go vegan today

Animal Testing
Is unnecessary see
Save our friends from harm

Do not support zoos
Let animals live their lives
Without you prying

Stop killing our friends
Animals should live safely
Free from human harm

Cow's milk is not yours
It is not your mother's milk
Please do not drink it.

There is a reason
Why people are allergic
To dairy. Go learn.

It didn't take too long 
They were all written today.
I'm sorry they suck

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